September 2017 - 20/20 NDT Technology

How Will US Hurricanes Affect Canadian Oil Markets

NDT News

Multiple Hurricanes in the South Set to Disrupt Oil Markets in Canada for at Least 3 Months Since late July, crude oil has been hovering just below $50 per barrel, however the coming months could bring a healthy rebound to both crude oil and gas prices. This uptick could stem from supply issues created by…

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Grande Prairie Non-Destructive Testing on Insulated Pipelines

Testing Grande Prairie Applications

Non-Destructive Testing on Insulated Pipelines and Other Materials As the global economy continues to expand and become increasingly competitive, non-destructive testing (NDT) must also advance to ensure businesses are able to remain operational and effective at all times. Equipment failures and downtime can result in massive costs for a company, which could set them so…

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