Testing Archives - 20/20 NDT Technology

Grande Prairie Non-Destructive Testing on Insulated Pipelines

Testing Grande Prairie Applications

Non-Destructive Testing on Insulated Pipelines and Other Materials As the global economy continues to expand and become increasingly competitive, non-destructive testing (NDT) must also advance to ensure businesses are able to remain operational and effective at all times. Equipment failures and downtime can result in massive costs for a company, which could set them so…

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The Power of Radiographic Testing and X-Ray Inspection


Many business owners in Western Canada have heard about the various methods of non-destructive testing but are unsure of the differences between each technique. In this article, we will give you a glimpse into the world of radiographic inspection and walk through some of the advantages that come with this style of testing. The Basics…

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How to Detect Weld Failures With Non-Destructive Testing

Testing NDE Applications

Weld Failures: What Causes Faults and How to Detect Them With Non-Destructive Testing Whether you realize it or not, your business or industry is supported somewhere by materials that have been welded together. Welding has existed since the Bronze Age, creating billions of tools and structures for individuals over thousands of years. Welding technology has…

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Safety Standards

Testing NDE Safety Careers

At 20/20NDT our strict attention to safety protocols and standards ensures a seamless inspection when our technicians enter any project site. By maintaining our commitments to safety standards and regulations, 20/20NDT stays ahead of the competition in terms of reliable, safe, quality testing of pipelines, mechanical equipment, and structures of all shapes and sizes. When…

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Nondestructive Examination in Alberta and Western Canada

Fort St. John Testing Grande Prairie Dawson Creek Fort Nelson Fox Creek Grande Cache High Level Hinton Peace River Valleyview NDE

Why do I need a nondestructive examination? Nondestructive Examination (NDE) is a process whereby expertly trained technicians evaluate, examine, and report on any imperfections or defects relating to resource extraction frameworks, building structures, pipelines, and equipment non-invasively. This process takes many different forms, and requires proper execution with technology that can find areas of weakness…

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What is Electromagnetic Particle Testing?


Non-destructive testing (NDT) has become an integral part of preventive maintenance and inspection for many different industrial sectors in Northern British Columbia and Alberta. Companies who require their pipelines or machinery to be operating at top efficiency, without costly downtime for repairs, have discovered how quick and easy non-destructive testing can be. Often when NDT…

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What is Industrial Radiography?

Hinton Testing

You have likely heard the term “radiology” before when visiting the hospital or a doctor and associate the use of x-ray images to this term. Radiology, is simply a branch of medicine that utilizes radiographic technology (such as x-rays) to examine internal parts of the body without causing harm to a patient. This same technology…

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